
Alira is a Drecian. A seemingly half human/half dragon race. She has wings and a tail, is about 5' 11" tall, 145 lbs, and strikingly beautiful to the eye whether human or not. Her skin is the color of a dark red sun falling to the earth. Alira has waist-long pure black hair, and wears elaboratly designed robes that are fit for both a mage and a fighter. On each side of her forhead, just within the start of her hairline, lies an individual horn of 1&1/2 inches. On her, she carries a large double-handed sword of strange metallic make-up, two small curved blades, and a single net. She holds herself in a very calm posture at all times, only occasionally drifting towards the more free-spirited outlook. Her memory is sharp, and she does not hesitate to use words of the past as her ally. At times she speaks in riddles, but never for play. All things in this manner are said for a reason. Respect and Honor both carry great meaning with this one, and if either is challenged in any way she will always take steps to add balance to the situation . She favors those who show a 3 dimentional mind, seeing things not as they are shown, but as they are. She allies herself with no one, yet everyone. She does not require a name to befriend, nor a guild to trade gifts, a team to call partners, nor enemies that take shifts. She IS ALIRA.

My people have a saying..."The grass grows in large numbers to survive as a whole, not to take over the land where the rocks lie."


The home planet of Alira and Dragon: